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Diocesan Departments

(Kindly note that the Diocesan Departments listed below highlight the objectives as they appear in the Kasama Archdiocese 2017-2021 Strategic Plan)

        1. Vocation Department

The Vocation department is responsible for identifying candidates to the priesthood and religious life. The Vocation Director accompanies the candidates in discernment. He also nurtures and sustains vocations.

        Strategic Objective 1

  • To promote, accompany and sustain vocations in collaboration with other structures in the diocese

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Promote vocations in collaboration with parish and school chaplains
  2. Create vocation clubs in all parishes and schools
  • To expand activities of raising funds for promotion of vocations and formation of candidates
        2. The Children and Youth Department

The Children and Youth department guides the young people in integral evangelization basing itself on the bible, the African Synods and the Social Teaching of the Church. The activities are carried out by the children and youths under the direction of the Diocesan Children and Youth Coordinator and parish chaplains. These include social, moral, and spiritual activities

        Strategic Objective 2

  • To enhance integral evangelization and development of the children and youth

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Strengthening children and youth structures in all parishes and schools
  2. Formation of animators in parishes and schools for behavioural change programme
  • Formation of children animators in all parishes
  1. On-going catechesis for children and youth
  2. Creating diocesan play park for children and creation of parish youth centres
        3. Lay Apostolate Department

The department is headed by the Diocesan Lay Apostolate Coordinator. It promotes the effective participation of the lay faithful in the life and mission of the church. The main objective is to facilitate the development of the mature laity who take their responsibility in integral evangelization in the church. The department also coordinates all apostolic movements and associations in the diocese.

        Strategic Objective 3

  • To enhance the integral evangelization of the laity so that they can effectively contribute to the mission of the church in the diocese

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Establish the department of the Lay Apostolate at the diocesan level
  2. Appointment of Lay Apostolate Coordinator
  • On-going catechesis for the laity in all parishes
  1. Formation of the laity for various ministries
  2. Formation of the laity to be pro-active in evangelizing communities.
        4. Family Life Department

The department of family life oversees the promotion of health and happy family life to attain integral human development. It also provides guidance and education on matters affecting families in general, and natural family planning in particular. The department also promotes and advocates respect for human life at every stage of each development from conception to death. It is also its responsibility to facilitate fora that should bring couples together to discuss issues affecting families in the modern world. Furthermore, the department prepares materials for the young people intending to receive the sacrament of marriage.

        Strategic Objective 4

To educate the faithful in the diocese about the value of family life

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Appointment of Family Life Coordinator
  2. Organize on-going family catechesis in all families
  • Educate the youth on the sanctity of Christian marriage
  1. Formation of marriage instructors (Bana Cimbusa) to prepare couples before marriage and to accompany them afterwards
  2. Promote family life groups and programmes such as marriage encounter

              Strategic Objective 5

To promote sanctity and dignity of human life

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Educate the Christians on the dignity and sanctity of every human person created in the image and likeness of God
  2. Promotion of natural family planning in all parishes
  • Ensure people in parishes value family life
  1. Educate children and youth on the value of human sexuality and family life
        5. Communication Department

        Strategic Objective 6

To enhance dissemination of information and evangelization in the diocese

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Develop, maintain and manage a website for the diocese
  2. Build capacity of personnel in basic Information Technology in the Diocese
  • Re-align the print and electronic media of the diocese to be more Catholic oriented and deliver the core business of the Diocese
  1. To expand Radio Lutanda coverage to reach all the parishes of the diocese
  2. Design social media for the children and youth
  3. Train parish teams in various communication skills and preparation of radio programmes
  • To establish audio and visual industry in the diocese

Diocesan Commissions

2.1.1. Liturgical Commission

The Liturgical Commission is responsible for overseeing all liturgical functions and activities in the diocese. The Commission also ensures on-going formation and seminars that might contribute to the advancement of the liturgical life in the diocese. This includes teaching the meaning of the liturgy in the life of the church and conducting seminars on issues related to the liturgy. It is responsible for safeguarding the integrity of the liturgy and carrying out meaningful inculturation after serious research and reflection on matters pertaining to liturgy; reviewing liturgical hymns and distributing liturgical literature.

        Strategic Objective 7

Promote authentic understanding and meaningful celebration of liturgy in the diocese

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Revamp the diocesan liturgical team to oversee liturgical celebrations in the diocese
  2. Spearhead research and reflection on liturgical matters pertaining to inculturation of the liturgy in the diocese
  • Organize seminars on good liturgical practices
  1. Produce and distribute liturgical literature throughout the diocese
2.1.2. Catechetical Commission

The Commission is responsible for drawing up and reviewing all catechetical materials, translating and publishing of catechetical material, and conducting research on pastoral issues, i.e. Islam, Satanism and witchcraft, etc. The commission is also responsible for preparation of materials for training of catechisers and consolidation of catechetical structures.

        Strategic Objective 8

To consolidate catechetical instructions in the diocese

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Conduct training courses and seminars for catechisers and instructors
  2. Organize catechesis in the parishes
  • Translate, publish, and distribute various catechetical materials in the diocese
  1. Develop common catechetical syllabi for various groups in the diocese

        Strategic Objective 9

To ensure Christians are aware of the dangers of joining Islam and other religions

        Strategies to achieve the objective

  1. Provide adequate catechesis on Islam and other religions
  2. Provide literature on Islam and other religions
  • Sensitize people on the dangers of joining other religions

        Strategic Objective 10

To promote change of mind-set about issues surrounding witchcraft and Satanism

        Strategies to achieve the objective

  1. Promote good traditional practices and activities in communities
  2. Conduct research on good traditional norms and practices
  • To promote the superiority of Christian faith over all evils
2.1.3. Biblical Commission

The Commission is responsible for enhancing biblical knowledge among the faithful by encouraging the reading and studying of the Bible in families and small Christian communities. It is also its responsibility to form biblical study groups in all centres in collaboration with parish teams. Furthermore, the commission facilitates distribution of bibles and biblical materials in the diocese.

        Strategic Objective 11

To enhance biblical knowledge among the faithful in the diocese

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. To make the Bible and biblical materials accessible to all the faithful in the diocese
  2. Encourage the reading and studying of the bible in families and small Christian communities in parishes
  • Formation of Bible groups among children and youths in the parishes
  1. To promote biblical study in all lay movements and associations
2.1.4. Department of Catholic Schools and Colleges

The Department of Catholic Schools and Colleges under the Education Commission is responsible for the provision of quality education in catholic schools and colleges. The Department also establishes the code of conduct for students and teachers/lecturers in catholic learning institutions. It is also its responsibility to ensure infrastructure meet national standards. The Department is responsible to work with responsible government ministries and co-operating partners in the provision of education materials and infrastructure. It ensures that the utilization of the funds follow laid out financial regulations according to guidelines provided by responsible ministries and co-operating partners and diocesan directives.

         Strategic Objective 16

To ensure the provision of quality education and maintaining catholic tenets in all catholic learning institutions

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Coordinate operations of catholic learning institutions in the diocese
  2. Maintain catholic identity in Catholic learning institutions
  • Formulate and implement guidelines for pupils and teachers
  1. Provide educational support for orphans and other vulnerable children
  2. Ensure that on-going pastoral care is provided by the parish priests in all parishes

        Strategic Objective 17

To liaise with Government ministries and cooperating partners in the provision of education

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Lobbying Government to second good teachers to catholic learning institutions
  2. Lobbying Government to provide teaching and learning materials, and financial support
  • Lobbying Government to upgrade more schools to secondary level
  1. Encourage schools and colleges to apply to co-operating partners for funds for infrastructure development and maintenance

        Strategic Objective 18

To devise strategies on making educational institutions self-sustaining

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Work with local communities, government and cooperating partners to build infrastructure such as classrooms and teachers’ accommodation
  2. Ensure that rentals in institutional houses are collected to maintain school buildings
2.1.5. Health Department

The Health Department under the Health Board is responsible for ensuring the provision of quality health services in catholic health institutions. The Department also establishes code of conduct to be followed by all health workers in hospitals and rural health centres. It is also its responsibility to ensure that infrastructure meets national standards. The Department collaborates with the Ministry of Health      and co-operating partners in the provision of health materials and infrastructure. It is the responsibility of the Health Department to ensure that the utilization of the funds follow laid out financial regulations according to guidelines provided by responsible ministries and co-operating partners and diocesan directives.

        Strategic Objective 19

To ensure the provision of quality delivery of health services in all Catholic health institutions

         Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Coordinate operations of catholic health institutions in the diocese
  2. Maintain catholic identity in the delivery of health services
  • Formulate a health policy of the Diocese
  1. Provide spiritual support and guidance through hospital chaplains/parish priests
  2. Review and update the code of conduct and ethics for personnel in health institutions
  3. Appoint diocesan health board for all hospitals and rural health centres
  • Provide quality delivery of better health care services to all primary evangelizers.

        Strategic Objective 20

To liaise with Government ministries and cooperating partners in the delivery of better health services

Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Lobbying Government to second good health workers to catholic health institutions
  2. Lobbying Government to equip health facilities with modern equipment and medicines to effectively deliver better health services
  • Revisit and review Memorandum of Understanding with Government
  1. Encourage health institutions to apply to co-operating partners for funds for infrastructure development and maintenance

Strategic Objective 21

To provide quality health care for people suffering from communicable diseases

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Encourage people to seek medical attention whenever they see signs of infection
  2. Educate people on the symptoms of communicable diseases and how to avoid infections
  • Encourage people to report to the nearest health facilities signs and symptoms of infection in the community

        Strategic Objective 22

To prevent and reduce malaria cases in communities

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Distribute insecticide treated nets (ITNs) in mosquito infested communities
  2. Encourage people to adhere to treatment procedures and complete treatment of malaria
  • Lobby Government support for equipment and distribution of insecticide treated nets
  1. Conduct community meetings on the use of insecticide treated nets
  2. Encourage people to maintain clean and safe environment

Strategic Objective 23

To continue providing health care and support services to HIV/AIDS infected and affected persons

Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Encourage the sick to receive ARVs.
  2. Encourage people to go for voluntary testing especially the youth and married couples
  • Continue sensitizing traditional birth attendants on the dangers of using unsterilized instruments
  1. To promote behavioural change

The Caritas Ministry under the Development Commission and Justice and Peace Commission is responsible for undertaking and co-ordinating development, justice and peace activities. Its responsibilities include the following: dealing with issues of justice and peace, governance, human rights and paralegal, human trafficking, livelihood, gender, and advocacy for responsible use of the environment. Justice and Peace

        Strategic Objective 24

To promote social justice by upholding human dignity

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Advocate for just policies to ensure social justice for all
  2. Make citizens aware of their rights and responsibilities
  • Lobby central government and local authorities for transparency about equal distribution of development resources to all areas
  1. Encourage citizens to maintain peace and order in the country throughout the year
  2. Formation of Justice and Peace groups in parishes Governance

       Strategic Objective 25

To advocate for good governance in central and local government institutions

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Facilitate citizenry participation in political processes
  2. Advocate for accountability and transparency in the allocation of resources in the country
  • Formation of catholic political leaders Human Rights and Paralegal

Strategic Objective 26

To improve accessibility to legal services

Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Revamp the paralegal desk in the diocese
  2. Facilitate training of paralegal personnel
  • Provide legal advice and community sensitization to victims of civil injustice
  1. Provide support to the vulnerable groups in society Issues of Gender, Disability and Human Trafficking

        Strategic Objective 27

To create awareness on issues of gender and disability, and human trafficking in all parishes

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Sensitize communities and schools on issues of gender and disability
  2. Networking with organizations with similar objectives
  • Sensitize communities on the evils of early marriages
  1. Advocate for stiff punishment for child abusers and human traffickers
  2. Sensitizing communities on human trafficking Responsible use of Environment

        Strategic Objective 28

To advocate for a clean and ecologically friendly environment

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Discourage charcoal burning
  2. Sensitize people on the effects of deforestation caused by traditional methods of farming
  • Lobby Government to speed up rural electrification
  1. Encourage tree planting in all parishes
  2. Discourage indiscriminate burning of the forests Economic Empowerment

        Strategic Objective 29

To contribute towards improvement of household income in all parishes

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Providing information on different banking schemes to save money
  2. Form community-based banking schemes to reduce poverty in households
  • Form groups to start self-help community-based projects
  1. Ensure people are trained in appropriate survival skills Agriculture and Fisheries

        Strategic Objective 30

To improve agricultural production in all parishes

        Strategies to achieve objective

  1. Creating more commercial and agricultural undertakings in the parishes
  2. Mobilize local people in parishes where there are water bodies to engage in fish farming
  • Start and encourage out-growers schemes and lobby Government to establish offices for Agricultural Assistants in parishes
  1. Formation of cooperatives and clubs in parishes for crop marketing
  2. Initiate training programmes in fish management (Santa Maria project)

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